These practitioners have been personally trained and evaluated by Tina Craig to the highest standards, and any one of them can get to the root of your issues. Most can do sessions in person or online, so find the best match rather than the best location.
I’ve been using EFT since 2003 and am also a counselor and certified professional coach. I’m currently earning post graduate certificates in substance abuse counseling and sex therapy and am working toward a license in Marriage and Family Therapy. My adherence to Gold Standard EFT means that core issues are often the focus. My expertise is in relationship issues/improvement, personal development, PTSD, addiction, and stress management. I am also a General EFT Practitioner. My practice is on Oahu and I am also available via ‘phone or skype.
BILINGUAL ENGLISH/SPANISH. Juana is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker, a native of Peru, Founder of INCA ENERGY INSTITUTE, and maintains a private practice with adults in both Columbia MD and Lima PERU. Juana holds several professional certifications and more than 25 years of experience working with clients with a wide range of emotional issues and physical concerns. She uses EFT GOLD STANDARD approach to specifically address anxiety, depression, addiction, PTSD and couples relationships with incredible optimal and lasting results. Sessions available by phone or Skype depending on the case.
Not sure how you got to the place you're at in life, but are sure that you'd like to make some changes? Ready to be done with knee-jerk reactions, emotional ups & downs, & self sabotage? Whether the challenge is emotional or physical, EFT Gold Standard helps access & antidote core events & patterns driving "today" behaviors, feelings, symptoms, challenges. Kat's tapping was a driver in healing her fibromyalgia. She is author of newly published Gold Standard EFT-inspired book Tapping Into Wellness: Using EFT to Clear Emotional and Physical Pain and Illness, practitioner since 2003.
Having experienced the real benefits of Gold Standard EFT and gone through training with Tina Craig, I use only this modality for resolving physical and emotional discomforts. It offers an in-depth approach, working on specific events and core issues, as opposed to surface treatments, which brings measurable, lasting results. I love seeing the shifts and changes the clients experience, feeling noticably more relaxed, confident and happy. I'm bilingual in English and Slovene. I tap in both languages, in person (if in Slovenia) or via Skype.
Ben is a Certified Advanced Practitioner of EFT and was trained by Tina Craig with the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology. Ben has been in practice since 2000 and has done thousands of Tapping sessions, specializing in Trauma and Peak Performance coaching. "The Zone" is an optimum state of flow that occurs when the mind and body are in a balanced state. Past emotional or physical traumas can disrupt the energy, disturb the mind, create fear and tension, and prevent you from getting into the Zone. EFT is a way to free the mind and expand possibilities. Phone/Skype available.
Occupational Therapist specializing in the treatment of pain: acute, chronic and phantom pain. Gold Standard EFT has been an integral and effective part of my practice to help patients address the psychological and emotional components of pain for even greater relief. I also use Gold standard EFT for stress and anxiety management, health and weight issues and attaining peak performance in athletics and academics. I am available to work in person in the Central Wisconsin area or via phone, Skype or Face time.
If you could wave a magic wand, how would you change your life? Whatever your goal, EFT can help – especially the finely tuned, efficient approach taken by Gold Standard EFT. I became an EFT practitioner in 2001 and completed Tina Craig’s ACEP certification in 2011. I’m grateful to Tina’s Gold Standard training because it helps me focus on specific events, identify emotionally charged aspects, release disruptive emotions, test the results, and help clients utilize EFT as a powerful self-help technique.
Over the past 30 years, the majority of my work has been with Trauma, PTSD, Addiction, Depression, Anxiety, and ADHD. I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, a Certified Addiction Professional and an ACEP EFT Certified Advanced Practitioner. I incorporate both EFT techniques and standard therapy in my practice. Using Gold Standard EFT my clients have experienced remarkable results. Clients are able to target and clear past painful core beliefs and emotional pain which underlie symptoms disrupting their lives. The result is an almost immediate energy and cognitive shift which leads to different patterns of thinking, feeling and acting.
Have you been struggling? Clients say they appreciate my practical business background, as well as high curiosity and a genuine interest in helping people solve mysterious physical and professional blocks. I am a highly experienced EFT practitioner who has conducting over 3500 private client sessions since 2005. I believe that Gold Standard EFT offers an optimal and lasting approach to health, comfort and peace of mind.
I am an ACEP Certified EFT Practitioner and Relationship coach. I have a ACAP (advanced) EFT certification that means it is a Gold Standard EFT. The benefits of Gold Standard EFT is that we work with methodical approach using solid testing. We work in specific events instead of surface treatments. EFT is a precious and important part of my work. By using EFT on my clients, it helps relieve their pains and distresses. Since I began performing EFT, every day I am more surprised by the results of this magnificent technique.
Constance completed her ACEP Gold Standard EFT Certification under the thorough teachings of Tina Craig. In addition, Constance holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and has many certifications, however she has found EFT to be such an incredible, direct, and specific method of healing across all areas of life, it has become her main focus. Although she was practicing EFT 10 years ago for trauma and phobias, she discovered that the Gold Standard EFT taught in the ACEP program is so effective, it is now her main go-to for all areas in her therapy practice.
Ellie Steele is an ACEP certified practitioner of EFT, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer Specialist and holistic wellness coach that specializes in helping her clients overcome food cravings, emotional eating and self-sabotage behaviours that prevent them from embracing a healthy lifestyle.
General practice specializing in: PTSD. trauma, anxiety, depression, pain, optimizing emotional well being. Peter is an ACEP EFT Certified practitioner. The focus of his practice is based on establishing a collaborative relationship so that your needs can be identified, addressed and resolved. Being able to identify specific issues is important in addressing the disruptions in our energy systems that leads to suffering or being unable to reach our potential. Peter will also teach you how to use EFT effectively on your own to help you meet life's day to day stresses. Skype sessions
Gold Standard EFT is a gentle and deeply efficient method of dissolving stress which enables you to freely explore your full potential. Odet is one of the highest qualified and experienced Gold Standard EFT Practitioners worldwide. She has been a full-time EFT Practitioner since 2006, working with people of all ages; with measurable, lasting results. She continues to study to develop her skill and expertise in this field. Importantly, each of Odet's clients learns how to use EFT for self-help in a way suited to their own circumstances.
As a naturopath and homeopath, I believe that mental, emotional, and spiritual health are an integral part of overall health and are strongly connected with each other. While I help people resolve their physical imbalance through nutrition, herbs and homeopathy, I have often found that in order to help the body heal at the physical level, we need to address underlying trauma or energy blockages that are keeping us stuck in patterns that do not serve us. Gold Standard EFT is a magnificent tool that can help clear the blocks to our greatness and therefore help us thrive at all levels.
I’m a HCPC registered dietitian who is very comfortable using the thorough techniques Gold Standard EFT has to offer when supporting clients target the early root causes of their nutritional issues using a holistic, collaborative and compassionate approach. I delight in supporting clients achieve lasting, measurable results with conditions such as weight management, emotional eating, IBS and eating disorders, which often have emotional drivers. I’m privileged to witness, with admiration, the transformation clients achieve when focused on embracing their own peace, power and possibilities
I have been a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor in Salt Lake City, Utah since 2002. Prior to moving to private practice, I did agency work in substance abuse and domestic violence. I employ Emotional Freedom Techniques to treat depression, anxiety & phobia, relationship issues, trauma, substance abuse and compulsive & addictive behaviors, including gambling and pornography. I have a particular soft spot for working with people who identify as LGBTQ. I also enjoy helping people with performance issues including sales, athletics, dating and public speaking to reach their full potentials
Do you feel your past is effecting your present and future? Are you looking for a modality that gets to the heart of the issue and resolves it efficiently and effectively? Whether the issue is physical, emotional or some combination, Gold Standard EFT allows us to get to the fundamental root cause and resolve it to create inner balance and lasting change. I have found Gold Standard EFT to be one of the most effective tools I have to bring resolution to each of my clients unique issues. Let me help you let go of old patterns to move confidently into a more fulfilling life.
Assisting individuals and couples with the release of the pain of stress and implementing effective decision making during transitions in life including relationship issues, career struggles and overcoming emotional trauma that surfaces with being at a crossroad in life is my specialty. Clients include teens, parents, couples and individuals who want to experience life with more joy, less pain and live life to the fullest.
Kevin is ACEP Certified Advanced EFT Practitioner (ACAP-EFT). He got trained and completed his EFT certification under the program that Gary Craig (the founder of EFT) had in place. He then completed his basic practitioner and Advanced EFT Certification under ACEP certification program by Tina Craig. He uses authentic, Gold Standard EFT, with special focus on getting to specific events and thorough testing, which in turn leads to better results for the clients. Kevin’s work is very client-centered. He bases his work on trust, care, and producing lasting results.
Harriette is a New York State Licensed Masters of Social Work with a private practice called Three Arms: Energy Balancing in Garden City, NY which opened in 2007. Harriette specializes in women and children issues particularly anxiety, limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behavior. Harriette uses EFT as the cutting edge Energy Psychology technique to complement traditional talk therapy. EFT helps reactivate clients' natural ability to restore balance, calm and well-being into their emotional, physical and spiritual systems.Self empowerment and learning to live joyfully is strengthened.
Betsy Crouse is ACEP certified under Tina Craig’s instruction. She works with a wide range of issues in her general practice. Regardless of your issue, you can expect focused help with identifying specific, quantifiable goals and trackable measures of progress. Clients intent on getting more out of their own tapping will be assisted through a variety of means. Betsy loves sharing the joy of the freedom that EFT brings, and her sessions clearly reflect that passion. Telephone or Skype sessions available; satisfaction-or-no-charge policy.
Being EFT Advanced Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner my work is based on Gold Standard EFT tools and complementary NLP techniques. EFT tools include clearing the specific events, testing, personal peace procedure etc. These are supported by NLP knowledge of how our language and mind operate, how limiting beliefs are formed and how we can change them. I have dealt with hundreds of clients suffering from anxiety, panic attacks, depression, different types of fears, phobias and OCD. I work extensively with topics related to self-worth and self-image and issues stemming from these.
David has been in work for over 20 years and is one of London's most experienced Five Element Acupuncture practitioners. He uses Gold Standard Emotional Freedom technique to support his acupuncture and as a stand alone system where applicable. His goal is simple: EMPOWERMENT This is achieved by working with his patients to achieve the best emotional and physical state that is possible in each case. He works in a supportive and non judgemental environment with full focus and high integrity.
EFT works! Although I have been practicing and teaching EFT full time since 2006 I continue to be amazed at what it can do. It's light years beyond traditional methods. Instead of simply knowing what the problem is you can change the way you think, feel, behave and relate. I use both Gold Standard EFT & Optimal EFT with clients, and am a student of Gary Craig's Optimal EFT instruction. With over 30 years experience counseling and coaching I have worked successfully with clients with a wide rage of emotional issues and concerns. I consider the spiritual dimension of life of great importance.
As an EFT Practitioner & Sacred Feminine Energy Coach, my greatest joy comes from helping women heal negative patterns in their lives and relationships (such as fear of abandonment, feeling unworthy, insecure, overgiving, blocks to sexual pleasure, intimacy, self-care, and negative body image). Healing emotionally opens up an internal clear canvas to awakening personal magnetism and creating radiating beauty, a fulfilling love life, incredible sex and living aligned with one's deepest passion. I work with women internationally via Skype and I warmly invite you to join the community!
Stress and challenging relationships, together with wounds and unhelpful "programming” from the past, can drag us down and block us from reaching our true potential. EFT can be thought of a psychological/emotional reboot - viruses and mental malware are removed. No matter what your issue is, chances are excellent EFT can help. The training I received in EFT is the highest quality available, and has equipped me with the tools that will help you get straight to the root of your issues.
In 1996 I discovered Emotional Freedom Techniques and energy psychology to access the subtle energies of the human body, thus discovering the cause of emotional illness and negative thinking. I work to get to the root cause of your problem. I apply Gold Standard EFT to clear the disruptions, negative thoughts, and emotions. EFT is a paradigm shift in traditional counseling. My fee for a single consultation is $250.00. A $1000.00 retainer for 5 meetings saves you $200.00 or you can pay individually. If you are ready to dissolve your issue, contact me., cell 724-413-0964